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Robert McKee
(Guest of Honor 2017)

Robert McKee's quote on comedy: "There are two kinds of Comedy, Comedy Gets It, and Comedy Does It. Germans love comedy. They get it. Now we want to create a body of writers who does it."

Robert McKee, A Fulbright Scholar is the most sought after screenwriting lecturer around the globe. He has dedicated the last 30 years to educating and mentoring screenwriters, novelists, Playwrights, poets, documentary makers, producers, and directors internationally. Those who have learned from McKee have called him “The Aristotle of our time” because of his insight  into the substance, structure, style, and principles of the grand art of story.


Peter Jackson (writer/director THE LORD OF THE RINGS Trilogy, THE HOBBIT) has lauded him as "The Guru of Gurus", For the writers of Pixar (creators of TOY STORY 1, 2, & 3, FINDING NEMO), McKee STORY Seminar is a rite of passage. Emmy Award-Winner Brian Cox also portrayed McKee in the Oscar-norninated film ADAPTATION.


McKee’s former students include over 60 Academy Awed Winners, 200 Academy Awed Nominees, 200 Emnry Award Winners, 1020 Emmy Awed Nominees, 1C0 WGA (Writers Guild of America) Award Winners, 250 WGA Award Nominees, and 50 °GA (Directors Guild of America) Award Winners ,100 DGA Award Nominee.


A winner and nominee of BAFTA for his popular Channel Four series REEL SECRETS, McKee also wrote and hosted 12 episodes of BBC's FILMWORKS series. He was profiled by Bob Simon of 60 Minutes for CBS news.


McKee’s articles on Story have also appeared in hundreds of newspapers and magazines around 'the world including Harvard Business Review, The Wall Steel Journal, Vanity Fair, The New Yorker Magazine, Swiss Business Magazine, Sueddeutsche Zeitung, CBS Morning News, BBC, Channel 4 in UK, RAI (Italy),CBN Weekly News & Morning Glory (China), MBC TV, KBS & Arirang TV Korea Times (South Korea), Kiev Weekly, Kultura Moscow, all major TV, Radio and/or newspapers of Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Germany, France, India, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Portugal. Russia, Turkey, Singapore, South Mica, Sweden, and Switzerland and given seminars in all of the above counties. Since 1984, more than 100,000 students have taken McKee's courses at various cities around the world: Los Angeles, New York, London, Paris, Sydney, Toronto, Boston, San Francisco, Helsinki, Oslo, Munich, Tel Aviv, Auckland, Singapore, Madrid, Beijing, Shanghai, Barcelona, Lisbon, Malaga, Hamburg, Berlin, Johannesburg, Rome, Stockholm, Sao Paulo, Santiago, Buenos Aims, Bogota, Beijing, Brussels, Rio de Janeiro, Moscow, Seoul, Istanbul, Hyderabad, Mexico City and many cities regularly.


Some notable writers, directors, and actors ma. as Peter Jackson, Jane Campion, Andrew Stanton, Geoffrey Rush, Paul Haggis, Akiva Goldsman, William Goldman, Joan Rivers, Meg Ryan, Rob Row, David Bowie, Kirk Douglas, John Cleese, Steve Pressfield, Russell Brand, and the writers of Pixar to name a few, have taken his seminar.


McKee continues to be a project consultant to major film and television production companies such as 20th Century Fox, Disney, Paramount, & MTV. In addition, Pixar, ARC, BBC, Disney, Miramax ,PBS, Nickelodeon, Paramount, GLOBOSAT, MNET and other international TV and Film companies regularly send their entire creative and writing staffs to his lectures.

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